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Unither Pharmaceuticals offers expert solutions across pharmaceutical development and commercial manufacturing services. To discuss your next project or learn more about our offerings, simply submit an enquiry below.
Unither Liquid Manufacturing1-3, Allée de la NesteZ.I en Sigal - BP7031931773 ColomiersFRANCETel. +33 (0)5 34 51 42 00
Unither Industries17 av Portes Occitanes03800 GannatFRANCETel. +33 (0)4 70 90 04 21
Laboratoire Unither Amiens151, Rue André DurouchezEspace Industriel NordCS 2802880084 Amiens Cedex 2FRANCETel. +33 (0)1 44 63 51 70
Laboratoire Unither Coutances1, Rue de l’ArquerieZI de la Guérie,50200 CoutancesFRANCETel. +33 (0)2 33 76 70 00
Unither Pharma BrasilAv. Mário de Oliveira, 605CEP 14781-160 Distrito Industrial IIBarretos/SP - BRAZILTel. +55 (17) 3321 0021
Unither Pharma ButantãAvenida Nossa Senhora da Assunção, 736CEP 05359-902 Vila ButantãSão Paulo/SP – BRAZIL
Unither Nanjing Pharmaceuticals169 Jiangjun Ave, Jiangning District,Nanjing, JiangsuCHINA
Unither Manufacturing LLC755 Jefferson RoadRochester, NY 14623USATel. +1 585 475 9000
Unither Développement BordeauxZ.A. Tech-Espace Bât. 18Avenue Toussaint Catros33185 Le HaillanFRANCETel. +33 (0)5 56 34 20 59Fax. +33 (0)5 56 47 67 84
Unither Pharmaceuticals3-5 rue Saint-Georges75009 ParisFRANCETel. +33 (0)1 44 63 51 70