CRS 2024 8-12 July The 2024 Annual Meeting & Expo reflects our focus on cutting-edge research and innovation across our strong discipline that will keep you up-to-date with new science and inspire new ideas. Most importantly, this event will offer you the ability to network, form friendships among your peers and foster new collaborations within the delivery science and technology field. We have a full and exciting program over the conference duration with highly prominent plenary talks, technical sessions covering a wide scope of topics, industry led workshops and technical forums. We will also have robust interaction with our exhibitors and sponsors with plenty of opportunities to network across all of our social events. The conference has numerous activities from our special interest groups, such as the Focus Groups, Young Scientists, Women in Science, Consumer and Diversified Products, and more, taking place before, during and after the main conference. CRS 2024 Annual Meeting and Expo | Controlled Release Society (CRS)