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Physiological serum, Rhinovirus and Sars-COV2

Physiological serum, Rhinovirus and Sars-COV2

When SARS-COV2/COVID19 emerged in early 2020, the lack of knowledge about the virus led to the appearance of numerous, often contradictory, and sometimes scientifically inappropriate guidelines. Taking stock of the knowledge gained over the last two years is important, especially regarding the application of saline, nasopharyngeal lavage, and nebulization practices. A great deal of work around the world has advanced knowledge to refine the understanding of saline use in rhinology.

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Since COVID 19 was a new virus, the fear of the unknown and the lack of knowledge about it led to most of the prevention actions being guided by the fear of spreading the virus. Hygiene measures that have been recognized for a long time, such as washing mucous membranes with saline solutions, had been discarded as a precautionary measure, primarily because of the fear of dissemination of the virus. This risk induced a benefit-risk ratio that did not appear favorable. []


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