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Sol-Gel technology

Unither supports innovation that will benefit patients. 

It is in this perspective that we have been collaborating with CNRS, Paris Descartes University and AP-HP since 2012 on Sol-Gel technology.

The Sol-Gel technology is about in situ gel-forming formulations, which undergo phase transition from liquid to gel upon exposure to physiological environments. This technology combines advantages of being convenient for administration to patients and prolonging drug delivery.

So far, 6 international scientific publications dedicated to Sol-Gel technology have been published. You will find below the list of manuscripts that have been published so far. If you are interested in receiving the full version please send an email with your request to:

2014   Influence of additives on a thermosensitive hydrogel for buccal deliveryof salbutamol: Relation Between micellization, gelation, mechanic and release properties
2015   Poloxamer bioadhesive hydrogel for buccal drug delivery: Cytotoxicity and trans
epithelial permeability evaluations using TR146 human buccal epithelial cell line
2016   In vitro and in vivo evaluation of in situ gelling systems for sustained topical ophthalmic delivery: state of the art and beyond
2017   Cyanine derivative as a suitable marker for thermosensitive in situ gelling delivery systems: In vitro and in vivo validation of a sustained buccal drug delivery
2019   Novel in situ gelling ophthalmic drug delivery system based on gellan gum and hydroxyethylcellulose: Innovative rheological characterization, in vitro and in vivo evidence of a sustained precorneal retention time
2020   In Situ Gelling Ophthalmic Drug Delivery System for the Optimization of Diagnostic and Preoperative Mydriasis: In Vitro Drug Release, Cytotoxicity and Mydriasis Pharmacodynamics


Unither keeps on working and investing its efforts in ophthalmological research and development, with the main aim of making patients’ lives easier.

Unither’s ophthalmic know-how is expressed through developments on the Coutances and Amiens plants, as well as the laboratories of Bordeaux (France) and Wuhan (China); but also research work on the Sol-Gel technology carried out since 2012 initiated by Ni Zeng, General Development Manager China and carried on by Pierre-Louis Destruel, former Development Project Manager China.

It took over 3 years of research to deliver the final results on the mydriatic sol-gel, a novel ocular in situ gelling delivery system designed to  optimize the induction of diagnostic and preoperative mydriasis. This was made possible thanks to Unither teams and our fruitful collaboration with “Agence Générale des Equipements et Produits de Santé (AGEPS) AP-HP”, and “Unité de technologies chimiques et biologiques pour la santé, Université de Paris, CNRS, INSERM, Faculté de Pharmacie”

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